Thomas L. Friedman and James Manyika | Dialogues on Technology and Society | Ep 1: AI & Society

Building on their multi-year dialogues, New York Times columnist and author Thomas L. Friedman, and Google SVP of Technology and Society James Manyika, recently came together at Google’s Bay View campus in California to discuss AI and how it impacts society, the economy and the planet.

Reflecting on lessons learned since their last conversation in 2019, the pair explores how society shapes emerging technologies and why they think this moment in time is an inflection point akin to the printing press or the industrial revolution.

00:00 – Introduction
03:29 – How do we maximize the benefits of AI?
06:49 – How does AI learn?
12:31 – Is AI at a tipping point?
13:50 – Is this our Promethean moment?
16:05 – Who gets to govern technology?
18:37 – How do we create collection action?
19:55 – Looking ahead

Read more about their conversation and stay tuned for more Dialogues on Technology and Society:

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