Human creativity, AI, and a bit of poetry can shape the future | Cristiano De Nobili | TEDxLegnano

In this TEDx Talk Cristiano De Nobili, taking poetry as a guideline, shares his view about the subtle difference between humans and machines’ creativity. This is a thin line but it makes a huge difference. Often, we compare AI and Humans capabilities as if they are fighting a war: that’s wrong, it is not a war but it must be a partnership. As humans, we are fitted with stand out creativity, curiosity, and desire to astonish. We are by far the greatest. AI is just an awesome tool that can help us to overcome our weaknesses. Somehow it is an incredible opportunity, a human superpower by which we can, if we wish, shape the future and solve the global challenges of our time. Cristiano De Nobili ha seguito la strada della curiosità. Dalla ricerca in fisica teorica, all’intelligenza artificiale, Cristiano da tre anni di occupa di IA applicata al linguaggio. Attraverso la poesia, ci darà occasione di capire fino in fondo l’elemento essenziale che ci distingue da una macchina, ovvero la creatività. Sappiamo che cos’è? Quali sono i meccanismi che la generano? Perché il genere umano possiede questa abilità innata? Con Cristiano de Nobili affronteremo un volo tra scienza, tecnologia e arte in cieli sereni ed in tempesta. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at