Strate GIBS Fintech Innovation Conference Panel Discussion on Disruptive technologies, big data, rob

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, internet of things, big data analytics, machine learning, distributed ledger and
blockchain technology are all disrupting the markets and businesses. The banking and finance sector itself could
be disrupted by new entrants and new technology – FinTechs.
FinTech companies are businesses that leverage on new technology to create new and better financial services for
both consumers and businesses. They are disrupting the way ordinary people manage and use money and these
fintech players can either be a threat or a partner with the traditional and established financial institutions.
To provide you with a holistic understanding of the impact emerging FinTechs will have on the future of financial
services, GIBS in partnership with Strate, brings you the Fintech Innovation Conference. (August 22, 2017)