State Festival 2016 – Tracking Emotions

Current technologies can track our position on the planet to the mood of our co-workers in the office. Trendy “Apps” come in the shape of friendly interfaces installed in portable devices posing no harm at first sight. But what happens when such technologies are used for marketing and commercial purposes? Maja Pantic presents her current developments in the field of behavioural computing and machine analysis of human non-verbal behaviour, complemented by the industrial approach of Elnar Hajiyev. The complex nature and uncanny future of affective analytics will be portrayed by the artistic work of filmmaker and programmer Ruben van de Ven.

Sam Tims, 12grapes, Recruiting Specialist
Maja Pantic, Prof. of Affective & Behavioural Computing at ICL
Elnar Hajiyeb, Co-founder of Realeyes
Ruben van de Ven, Filmmaker, Programmer, Artist

Fri 4.11.2016, 14:30 – 16:00

created by State Festival
presented by F.A.Z.
produced by WECAP

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany
(CC BY-SA 3.0 DE)