Rohit Talwar – Emerging Technologies (Keynote Day 1) – LT18 Conference

Emerging Technologies: How advances in science and technology could transform the ways we live, work and learn

Rohit Talwar, Founder & CEO, Fast Future Research

We are living in an age of unprecedented change, much of it driven by technology. In this opening keynote, Rohit Talwar explores the implications for our daily lives, with particular emphasis on what these changes mean for how we learn – whether at work or in our daily lives.

Artificial intelligence and robotics are one area of current explosive growth which will undoubtedly impact work and learning. When most routine tasks are automated, what role is left for us? It may be rather more than you would expect – but also very different from our work today.

But if AI will change the way we work and learn, other mega shifts will have equally profound, if less obvious, impacts. Our increased lifespans will impact both society and how companies organise, and this in turn will shift the way we approach learning for work, as adopting new skills and knowledge becomes a lifelong preoccupation. Similarly, an interconnected world means that the market for skills alters radically. Combined with crowd sourcing and new models of business and revenue generation, we can expect the future of work to be very different to today – and with that, the future of learning at work to be radically altered, too.