[Palestra|Lecture] A modular approach for Neuroprosthetics

Solaiman Shokur é um cientista e neuroengenheiro suíço-afegão. Concluiu o doutorado na École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) e foi Pesquisador Visitante no Nicolelis Lab na Duke University, nos Estados Unidos. Fez o pós-doutorado no Instituto Santos Dumont (ISD), no Brasil. Atualmente é pesquisador sênior no Laboratório de Neuroengenharia Translacional da EPFL, onde lidera o projeto CHRONOS.

Essa palestra aconteceu dentro da programação do VII Simpósio de Neuroengenharia, que ocorreu de forma virtual entre os dias 18 e 20 de outubro de 2021.


Solaiman Shokur is a Swiss-Afghan scientist and neuroengineer. He completed his PhD at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and was a Visiting Researcher at the Nicolelis Lab at Duke University in the United States. He did his postdoctoral work at the Santos Dumont Institute (ISD), in Brazil. He is currently a senior researcher at the EPFL Translational Neuroengineering Laboratory, where he leads the CHRONOS project.

This lecture took place within the VII Neuroengineering Symposium, which ocurred online between October 18 and 20, 2021.