Moral and Ethical dilemmas with Autonomous Robots and Machines

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics have entered a new era of explosive expansion. Coupled with the Moore’s laws of exponential increase in computational power, the ever increasing collection of human / autonomous generated data and the sophistication of Artificial Intelligence algorithms (from specialized to generalized intelligence), Machines are quickly replacing humans in most tasks they are put to. They are generating arts, creating speeches, diagnosing diseases, driving cars, picking up stocks, sorting out photos and making memes.

It is expected that pretty soon Ai will enter a path of non return which many call singularity that might make them the apex predator on this planet earth. Will they be subservient to human society or will they have a destination of their own, they are bound to create a huge number of moral and ethical implications for human society.

I gave this presentation at Harvard Business School as one of selected participants for our post Covid capstone week. I hope we will have an open discussion on these topics and as a society will find at least some of the answers before it effects us deeply.

#artificialintelligence #ai #philosophy #bioethics #Harvard #harvardbusinessschool #HBS #PLD #PLDEveryWhere #machinelearning #machinevision #robotics