Machine Learning Security Seminar Series – Ilia Shumailov


Trusted Computing Base of Machine Learning


Machine learning (ML) has proven to be more fragile than previously thought, especially in adversarial settings. A capable adversary can cause ML systems to break at the training, inference, and deployment stages. While most of the current literature focuses on the security of the machine learning components, real-world vulnerability often comes from the underlying infrastructure. In this talk, I will identify the trusted computing base of modern machine learning and discuss where to look for vulnerabilities in the future.


Ilia Shumailov holds a PhD in Computer Science from University of Cambridge, specialising in Machine Learning and Computer Security. During the PhD under the supervision of Prof Ross Anderson, Ilia worked on a number of projects spanning the fields of machine learning security, cybercrime analysis and signal processing. Following the PhD, Ilia joined Vector Institute in Canada as a Postdoctoral Fellow, where he worked under the supervision of Prof Nicolas Papernot and Prof Kassem Fawaz. Ilia is currently a Junior Research Fellow at Christ Church, University of Oxford, and a member of the Oxford Applied and Theoretical Machine Learning Group with Prof Yarin Gal.