Machine Learning FOR BEGINNERS – Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning

What do you guys think about an Artificial Intelligence Simplified series?? πŸ€–πŸ€–πŸ€–
I got so many requests, but since it’s not directly related to Python I thought I should test the ground with an Introduction video before we dive any deeper!
Please let me know in the comments below what you think 😊

In this introduction to the topic, we’ll talk about a few Machine Learning approaches (more commonly known as paradigms, but I try to avoid fancy words πŸ˜‹). I will illustrate the concepts behind each approach with colourful graphics and real life examples.

We’ll discuss:
00:39 – Supervised Learning
04:12 – Unsupervised or Self Supervised Learning
05:50 – Reinforcement Learning

⭐ NEXT EPISODE – Machine Learning Perceptron ⭐

⭐ NEXT NEXT EPISODE – Binary Cross Entropy Loss ⭐

⭐ ADVANCED DEMO – Create a Neural Network With Pytorch – My Step by Step Tutorial⭐

Just a quick reminder πŸ“
I’m not a teacher, but I’m a very very good student! in my family – scores below 90 are unacceptable! (it’s a Russian parents thing I believe) 🀣
Everything I share with you guys is what I learn on my own, I am not a University professor and I am not a genius – I’m just a really good learner and hopefully I can help other lovely people with my findings πŸ€“

#ai #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #ml #supervisedlearning #unsuprevisedlearning #reinforcementlearning

All the beautiful vectors and icons are from:
Thank you so much for the artists who worked hard on these graphics, I only assembled them πŸ˜‰

The robot head in the thumbnail image is from:

Thank you for watching and please let me know if you like this style of video lessons, as well as if you have any remarks regarding the AI topic,
See you soon! 😁