Image Recognition AI App w/ REACT.JS and TENSORFLOW.JS | Beginners Javascript AI

In this video, we will build an object detector on React.js w/ Tensorflow.js and the COCO-SSD object detection model which relies on Tensorflow for object recognition. It is very well trained and capable of detecting more than 90 classes from (Dogs, Cats, People, Cars…). So we will use its powerful model to build a full object detection app that allows us to select and preview images and do predictions on what objects are on the image we will also display the predictions over the image using Styled-Components with React and build a fully working app.

⭐ Timestamps ⭐
00:00 Getting Started and What we’re going to build
01:31 Setting up the project and installing dependencies
08:24 Start building the object detector
19:23 Using the File Picker to load images
22:00 Reading & Displaying images from disk
27:47 Run Object Detection model on selected image
34:42 Show bounding boxes on predicted image objects

⭐ You can get the Full Object Detector App Source Code from Github:

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