IBM Watson: a cognitive computing system (AI)

IBM Watson is a question-answering computer system (AI) capable of fighting against cybercrime.
A platform developed by IBM. It is designed to process and analyze large volumes of data, understand natural language, and provide intelligent insights and answers to questions.

While IBM Watson has various applications across industries, including healthcare, finance, and customer service, it is not specifically designed for fighting against cybercrime. However, AI and machine learning technologies, including those employed by IBM Watson, can be utilized in cybersecurity to detect and prevent cyber threats more effectively.

AI-based cybersecurity systems can help with tasks such as:

Threat Detection: AI can analyze patterns and anomalies in network traffic and user behavior to identify potential security breaches or suspicious activities.

Malware Detection: AI algorithms can be trained to recognize patterns and characteristics of malware, improving the ability to detect and neutralize threats.

User Behavior Analytics: AI can monitor and analyze user behavior to identify unusual activities that may indicate unauthorized access or insider threats.

Automated Incident Response: AI can help in automating responses to certain types of cyber threats, reducing response time and improving overall security.

Data Protection: AI can be used to identify and classify sensitive data, improving data protection and privacy measures.

While IBM Watson itself may not be specifically marketed as a cybercrime-fighting AI, IBM and other companies have developed AI-based cybersecurity solutions that leverage similar technologies to enhance the security posture of organizations and protect against cyber threats. Cybersecurity is an ongoing and complex field that requires a combination of advanced technologies, skilled experts, and continuous improvement to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats.