How Does's Predictive Maintenance Solution Work?

As an industrial machinery or heavy equipment owner or operator, you probably take in data from analogue sensors such as vibration, thermal or voltage, to monitor the current status of your machines and schedule maintenance regularly to prevent unplanned breakdowns. However, if you think that this is sufficient, think again. Are these signals really enough to help you prevent unplanned breakdowns? has developed an AI-powered predictive maintenance platform which helps you to consolidate all the existing data that you have and consolidate them onto a simple, elegant and informative dashboard. Our AI will be running 24/7 to analyse the data and detect issues found, provide advice on corrective measures, propose ideal maintenance schedules and even identify the root causes of the breakdowns.

Why are you still wasting time and money on downtimes that can be prevented? Come talk to us today, and let kickstart your journey towards Industry 4.0 by saying no to unplanned downtime forever.

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