Generalized AI ML Streamlit Web application working

🚀 Exciting News! 🚀

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of a new Streamlit web application that I’ve developed! 🎉

This application is designed to empower users like you to gain valuable insights from your data with ease. Whether you’re tackling a Regression or Classification problem, this app has got you covered! 📊

Here’s a quick overview of the 8 sections you’ll find in the app:

Data Loading: Easily upload your data to get started.
Data Processing: Clean and prepare your data for analysis.
EDA: Dive deep into your data with Exploratory Data Analysis.
ML Model Training: Train various Machine Learning models and compare their performance.
DL Model Training: Explore the world of Deep Learning with training options.
Evaluate: Evaluate the performance of your models.
Report: Generate a report with your findings.
About Me: Learn more about the developer behind the app.

🔗 🔗

I hope you find this application as useful and exciting as I do! Feel free to share your feedback and suggestions. Happy exploring! 🚀🔍📈

#MachineLearning #DeepLearning #DataScience #Streamlit #DataAnalysis #DataVisualization #Insights #AI #ML #DL