From Data to Defense🤖 AI & ‘Yi-Jing’'s📖 Role in Border Security for Global Trade Security🧐

How does AI detect smuggling activities?
🌿Predicting the future requires making changes to it, and the various efforts we make today to make changes will eventually be part of the future.
The intersection of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and big data analytics with traditional customs enforcement marks a revolutionary leap forward in combating smuggling and enhancing global trade security. This video explores how Taiwan’s integration of these technologies, guided by the ancient wisdom of the Yi-Jing, has set a new standard in predictive modeling for smuggling detection, particularly in identifying drug trafficking operations.
Leveraging a unique blend of artificial intelligence and big data analytics, Taiwan has pioneered a transformative approach to customs enforcement. By integrating the ancient wisdom of the Yi-Jing with modern technological advancements, Taiwan’s customs authority has developed a predictive model that significantly enhances the detection of smuggling activities, notably drug trafficking. This innovative strategy not only showcases the potential of AI in strengthening border security but also highlights the importance of adapting traditional knowledge to address contemporary challenges. Taiwan’s success story serves as a compelling example of how technology and philosophy can converge to create more effective and efficient customs enforcement mechanisms, offering valuable insights for global trade security.

#BigData #Analytics #Customs #Enforcement #Smuggling #Detection #iching #Philosophy #Predictive #Modeling #Drug #Trafficking #Cross-Border #Crime #Global #Trade #Security #Taiwan #innovation

Combining his own work and teaching experience, he effectively predicted two drug smuggling cases of 305.118kg & 76.006kg each.
International seminar YouTube link
World Customs Journal paper link