THE FUTURE IS HERE – Using Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Talent Management – Using Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence to Revolutionize Talent Management.

Redefining Normality, Predicting Talent Success, Bias-Free.

Deviate is a job marketplace that is redefining normality in the way companies attract, select, and retain talent. We are introducing two science-based improvements to help companies hire smarter and help Job seekers find career paths that capitalize on their strengths.

We apply proven behavioral tests that are directly adapt from 10 years neuroscience research to understand each candidate-their DNA of cognition and personality- which can not be captured from a resume, combined with our cutting-edge AI technology to analyze and match candidate’s experience and cognitive makeup to a right opportunity within a right team. Bias-Free.

Read more about Deviate at
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