Data Privacy and Protection in the AI Revolution

In the era of the AI revolution, data privacy and protection are of utmost importance. As leaders driving innovation, you are aware of the increasing risks associated with AI’s hunger for personal data. Safeguarding this asset is vital for shielding against cybercrime, preserving trust, and protecting your organization’s reputation.

Gain insights on how to protect your organization’s and employees’ data, while also leveraging the full potential of data to drive innovation in the AI revolution with Dr. Rebecca Wynn, award-winning security strategist and CISO.

Access the full interview here:

During the session, we will address the following:
– How has the importance of data protection and privacy increased in the age of the AI revolution?
– What is the role of data protection laws and regulations in preventing cybercrime, promoting fairness in decision-making, and upholding human rights.
– What data protection laws and regulations apply to most businesses, and how can business leaders ensure compliance with these regulations?
– How can businesses establish trust with their customers and stakeholders by demonstrating commitment to data protection and privacy?
– How can effective data management help businesses gain a competitive edge?