Artificial Intelligence: Pioneering a New Path | Idonae Lovetrue | TEDxHochschuleLuzern

Idonae Lovetrue discusses the difference between mental and physical artificial intelligence. For too long, she argues, we have been focusing on algorithms for mental processing and it is time to rethink this position. Since 2015 she and her husband have been running Demiurge Technologies, a startup in Zug devoted to pioneering a new path in the area of physical artificial intelligence.

Idonae Lovetrue is the founder and CEO of Demi­urge Tech­nolo­gies AG, a cut­ting-edge Swiss ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence startup. Demiurge’s mis­sion is to ben­e­fit the mankind with ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence tech­nolo­gies and to bring hu­man­ity to the uni­verse. Be­fore Demi­urge, Idonae was the prin­ci­pal in­ves­ti­ga­tor of ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence at Van­tone Group, where she was re­spon­si­ble for com­mer­cial­is­ing cut­ting-edge ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence tech­nolo­gies and prod­ucts for Van­tone GREAT Cities, a 50-bil­lion-CNY, 10-year project of build­ing replic­a­ble and sus­tain­able smart cities. She was awarded a BE with ho­n­ours in In­dus­trial En­gi­neer­ing at Tian­jin Poly­tech­nic Uni­ver­sity, an MFA in Vi­sual Art with na­tional schol­ar­ship at Jiang­nan Uni­ver­sity, an MS in In­no­va­tion Man­age­ment at Brown Uni­ver­sity and is a Stan­ford GSB Ig­nite alumni.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at