AI is Biased, But Do We Know Why? | Sadhana Lolla | TEDxBoston

Algorithmic bias is present everywhere around us: it’s in the facial detection algorithms on our phones and models used in hospitals to determine patient care. But why does this bias exist? And more importantly, how do we mitigate it to make AI safer for all of us?

AI, Algorithm, Machine Learning, Technology Sadhana is a third-year undergraduate student at MIT majoring in computer science and minoring in mathematics. Her research focuses broadly on the application of deep learning to robotics and on designing and deploying safe and trustworthy AI. She is currently a researcher at MIT CSAIL and a machine learning scientist at Themis AI, and has previously worked on deep learning projects at Google. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at