AI & Counsciousness: A round table on neuroscience and deep learning

Cracking the Code: Understanding Consciousness and AI hosted by Creative Valley (Creative Cluster), Chicago State University, and the Institute for Future Technologies.

🔴 Abstract
Generative AI, ChatGPT, and similar technologies have already transformed our lives, and their impact is only growing. Yet, there are lingering questions that professionals often shy away from, such as “What is AI?” and “Does Artificial Intelligence truly exist?”, which ultimately lead to broader inquiries about intelligence and consciousness.

We don’t claim to have all the answers. Instead, we will present cutting-edge research findings from both neuroscience and data science. These two disciplines, while approaching the subject matter from different angles, shed light on the intriguing connections between them.

Join us if you are curious about whether major attributes of consciousness can be identified and located in the brain; what the difference is between AI and ML, and challenges of neuroscience and data science of the day.

👥 Speakers :
🎤 Duhart Clément: Director of the Institute for Future Technologies, established in 2019.
🎤 Peggy Mason: Professor of Neurobiology, holding a BA and PhD in Neuroscience from Harvard.
🎤 Nikolaj Groeneweg: Entrepreneur and machine learning expert, with extensive experience spanning three continents.
👨‍💼Roundtable moderator : Vitaly Charushin, a member of the Advisory Board of Creative Valley (Creative Cluster).

#ConsciousnessAI #artificalintelligence #researchproject #neuroscience #datascience #instituteforfuturetechnology