Introducing V.E.R.N., a human emotion detection artificial intelligence system.

V.E.R.N. (TM) is a revolutionary patent-pending human emotion detector. V.E.R.N. analyzes messages with our new model of communications and detects emotive elementals…those clues and signals that we leave in our speech so that other people can understand our frame of reference. And that’s not all…

…V.E.R.N. uses machine learning processes to refine emotion detections and provide a more accurate analysis of data. So it learns and gets more accurate with each human interaction.

If it sounds pretty smart, that’s because it is: V.E.R.N. was created utilizing the latest in communication, neuroscience, engineering and computer science research.

And to show we’re not messing around, we’ve created a humor detector to demonstrate the power of this approach.

We’re all code talkers, so we applied our patented communication model and are breaking the “code” of humor.

Humor in particular has been hard for programs to identify.  

But as you can see from the application we built with V.E.R.N., it does a great job of identifying humor and ignoring that which is unlikely to be humor.

Humor is very complex emotional communication, and one that has eluded science for some time. Our model corrects long standing and erroneous assumptions about how we communicate. This has helped us to identify the elementals. Why is that important? You can either try cracking the safe with a safecracker…or you can just use the key. 

V.E.R.N. is the key to unlocking your systems’ understanding of human emotions. 

So, who could use V.E.R.N.? Well, a lot of different people could benefit, say…

…A chat bot company to increase engagement…
…Business analytics software that monitor consumer communication…
…Sentiment analysis systems that want to include humor…
…Games that wish to empower their AI characters to interact with gamers in a more realistic way…
…Robotics that demonstrate abilities to detect our emotional states…
…Any human with feelings…

All of these could benefit from V.E.R.N.’s innovative artificial intelligence software. 

V.E.R.N. is currently under development. We will be rolling out upgrades to our products and we’ll have our API available soon. The humor detection system is scheduled to be online in early 2020.

Thanks for taking the time to watch this video.

To contact us, please use the information on your screen and we would be happy to talk about how V.E.R.N. can work for you!

#ai #artificialintelligence #sentimentanalysis #nlp #ml #machinelearning #robotics #gamedevelopment #signalsintelligence