3 Most Insane Space Technologies

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There is Life on the Moon!

In 2018, scientists saw a spacecraft crash on the moon. Inside it, there were creatures. Creatures that have proven to survive in almost every environment, including space. But did they survive the crash?

We’re about to find out.

The crash site is one of many things that NASA can investigate after building the moon base. But building this moonbase requires tech we don’t even have yet. Here are the top 3 most incredible technologies we are developing to make it happen.

And the last one is kinda weird.

3. A nuclear power supply. Since the base can go for weeks without sunlight, solar panels aren’t enough. So the US military is creating a portable nuclear reactor.

2. A interspace phone network. Modern devices send so much data. So Nokia is developing a new kind of cell phone tower for space.

1. New spacesuits. Turns out moon dust will cause astronauts to have ‘space hay fever’. So Axiom Space is creating a new space suit. And once we have it, we will find out if



