10. Blockchain and Analytics in the Cloud | Tech2Teach

In the video: 10. Blockchain and Analytics in the Cloud | Tech2Teach

Blockchain is a secure, distributed, open technology that can help speed up
processes, lower costs, and build transparency and traceability in
transactional applications. It is an immutable Network allowing members to
view only those transactions that are relevant to them. The more open, diverse,
and distributed the network, the stronger the trust and transparency in the data
and transactions. 85% of businesses today rely on multiple clouds to meet their IT
needs, with more than 70% using more than three. These businesses need to be able
to move applications and data across multiple clouds easily and securely,
leading to the emerging demand to build and manage business applications such as
blockchain for the multi cloud environment. Blockchain and AI, much like
IoT and AI, powered by the cloud, also have a three-way relationship.

Other videos related to it on You Tube:

Data Driven #5: Blockchain and Big Data
Lecture 54: Blockchain for Data Analytics – I (Blockchain for Big Data)
Understanding blockchain analytics
How does a blockchain work – Simply Explained
The Convergence of Blockchain, Machine Learning, and the Cloud | Steve Lund | TEDxBYU
Blockchain & Internet of Things
Blockchain and Analytics
Blockchain for Big Data, Storage and Analytics
Blockchain and Google: How Blockchain Technology Will Impact Google

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