取代人類?你應該這樣看AI | How will artificial intelligence empower humans? | 許永真 Jane Hsu | TEDxTaipei

從1956年第一次訂立人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)這個名詞,到2016年圍棋對弈一戰成名的AlphaGo,「人工智慧到底會不會取代人類」一直是各方焦慮的質疑,而隨著機器學習與深度學習的發展,人工智慧快速精準的學習資料庫內的模型,不管是簡單的圖像辨識,或是複雜的醫學影像,都能夠做到比人類專家更精準的判讀。
身為一位人工智慧研究學者,許永真提出”AI is to empower people.” 人工智慧應是人類的助力,能夠縮短高重複性勞務時間並降低錯誤率,是協助人類解決複雜問題的一項技術。
Will machines with artificial intelligence replace humans? This question has been the topic of discussion ever since AlphaGo defeated one of the world’s best Go players in 2016. AI researcher Jane Hsu argues that machine intelligence is not something to be feared; instead, we should embrace life with artificial intelligence as it is designed to empower people. Here, she gives a clear, easy-to-understand view of how machines that process information on a very sophisticated level will benefit humans in the near future. 臺大資訊工程學系教授。曾擔任台灣人工智慧協會的理事長與臺大資訊系系主任,其研究與教學主要著重於智慧型多代理人系統、資料探勘分析、以及感知運算。

目前擔任 Intel-NTU 中心的主任,協助促進台大、Intel與台灣國家科學委員會間的國際研究合作;也正於台大資訊系開授人工智慧的相關課程,並在創新設計學院開授「智齡設計-老人科技福祉專題」,期望透過結合資訊科技與創新思考的方式,帶領學生發揮創新思考並有能力將其付諸實現。


Jane Hsu is currently a Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University, where she served as the Department Chair from 2011 to 2014. As the Director of the NTU IoX Center, established in 2011 as the Intel-NTU Connected Context Computing Center, Prof. Hsu is leading the global research collaboration on Augmented Collective Beings and Internet of Things. With more than 30 years of experience in AI, her research interests include multi-agent planning/learning, crowd-sourcing, knowledge mining, commonsense computing, and context-aware smart IoT. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at