⚡US Army's Laser Energy: DARPA Project POWER | #shorts

DARPA’s Project POWER aims to revolutionize energy distribution for the U.S. military by using laser technology to wirelessly transmit energy to remote outposts, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing reliance on dangerous fuel supply runs.

DARPA aims to use laser technology to transmit energy into war zones, reducing reliance on diesel generators and risky fuel supply runs.
Wireless energy transmission has been a dream for over a century, and the Pentagon wants to make it a large-scale reality.
DARPA’s inspiration for this project comes from the need for uninterrupted energy at distant, forward operating bases in conflict zones.
Nikola Tesla first proposed wireless energy transfer in the 1890s, but it has not been widely adopted yet.
Currently, energy is transported via wires or diesel fuel, which can be disrupted by enemy forces in war zones.
Col. Paul “Promo” Calhoun, program manager for Project POWER, believes the time is right for wireless energy transfer due to changing environments and advancements in technology.
Project POWER uses high-powered lasers as the main technology for optical power beaming.
The project also employs relays, including long-endurance drones and satellites, to create a resilient, adaptive, and multi-path wireless energy network.

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