Augmented Intelligence – A Marriage between Machine and Human | Simon Stiebellehner

The marriage of human and machine is commonly referred to as “augmented intelligence”. It is a logical and highly valuable intermediate step on our path to complete automation of significant parts of our lives. Augmented intelligence technologies leverage artificial intelligence to support humans’ decision processes. A concrete case of highly evolved augmented intelligence could be detecting cancer on medical images, computing confidence scores of these predictions, forwarding critical/low-confidence cases to a professional together with an explanation of what the system may have found suspicious, the professional then may return his feedback to the system for it to continue learning. The benefits of such systems are twofold. First, augmented intelligence builds trust through supporting humans without taking away their decision-making power. Trust in machine intelligence is an important prerequisite to more extensive automation. Second, it is important to recognize that both, machines and humans, have different strengths. Whilst machines excel at processing data at a high pace and at recognizing patterns they have frequently seen before, humans are able to learn well based on very few samples and are more flexible in their thinking and perception. Therefore, ideally, these strengths are combined to achieve synergies. However, making this marriage of machine and human a happy one is not trivial.

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